Politics and other topics specifically, but not limited to, upstate New York.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Sorry for the absence folks
Sorry for having not blogged in a while. I'll be back soon. For now here's a great speech by a man named Aaron Weiss at the Dutchess County Legislature back in Mar '13. A great speech that should be shared and echoed from every roof top in the country!!! Amen Mr. Weiss!!! Aaron's speech
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Government over regulation is neccessary for your safety!!!
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom, it is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves" --William Pitt 1783
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --Benjamen Franklin 1775
Photo: nyopoliticker.files.wordpress.com |
Personally I try to eat as healthy as I can and, yes, it's a frustrating task trying to eat healthy outside my own kitchen. I don't smoke or drink in excess...though I do use ear buds...we all have our vices. I know these things are not healthy and, unless you've been living under a quarter pounder, so do you. The world would probably be a better place without some of the things he wants to regulate away with, but I make the choice to live healthy, I don't need some over stepping politician to instruct me on how to do so! Though I do encourage everyone to do the same I have absolutely no right to demand they do!! ...and either does Mike!! Please citizens!!! Do not let this man run for President!!!
Photo: Dianne Fienstien/fourwinds10.net |
The latest anti-gun legislation, centered around background checks and straw purchases, but containing much fine print, failed in the senate 40-60. Mrs. Fienstien then commented, "I have watched these votes, and I must say I view them with substantial dismay at the lack of courage in this house..." What she meant was she was disgusted that her fellow senators did not have the courage to vote against what their constituency, in which they represent, wished them to vote. Personally I don't mind a background check, if it's accurate and not abused! It would most likely be neither accurate nor un-abused. Being a libertarian I oppose government intervention in any of our lives or liberties. This does however mean the proposed gun bill is in peril
Mrs. Fienstien is upset that her fellow senators didn't just vote without regard to their constituency. This is what happened in NY with it's SAFE act. Nearly every law enforcement agency in NY is opposed to this law based on public outcry and most cite the way in which the law was rammed through the legislative process. You may Google "opposition to SAFE act" to see a list of government and LE entities in NY that oppose it....it's quite a list. That level of opposition is a huge indicator that politicians did not act in their voters best interest. It is my sincere hope that this unconstitutional law is repealed. The sponsorship of at least two democrats is needed to accomplish this and that may be where my hopes go to die....
I would like to say a couple things to those of you who think the Army or Troopers are coming
Photo: badattitude.com |
If anything positive has come from Gov Cuomo's totalitarian gun bill it is that he inadvertently derailed any federal gun legislation by causing nation wide panic when he sodomized NY with the SAFE act. Gun owners were afraid similar legislation would be enacted in their state or worse that Obama would simply clone the SAFE act and shove it down America's throat. They immediately petitioned their representatives and senators to reject any such bill. Harry Reid noticed this and himself said an AWB would never pass.
Jay Mohr tweeted that "the second amendment must go..." (link) he referenced the lack surprise or shock that something like the Boston Marathon tragedy could occur. He was then inundated with pro second amendment rebuttals!! He was clearly not anticipating such a response and asked (tweeted) where all these maniacs were coming from!?
Even after the President shamelessly exploited
Photo: Blogs.bet.com |
What Senator Fienstien, Mr Mohr and the Pres don't seem to understand is that Wednesday 17 April was not a "pretty shameful day in Washington". It was the American people being fairly represented in Government!! No it was not the NRA buying anyone off!! It was people calling, writing, tweeting, and emailing their elected leaders and demanding their voice be heard! Thanks in part to fear of getting their own SAFE act. Gov Cuomo screamed to the world that New Yorkers wanted the SAFE act, what happened next was New Yorkers saying, "...um...no we don't". Senator Ried, of all people, understood this and said as much by pointing out that an AWB would not pass the senate long before the vote. Senators are not supposed to "vote their conscience" they are supposed to vote what their constituency wants them to vote!! Our elected leaders are not absolute rulers! They do not dictate to us, we dictate to them!! That is why they have phones and email and mailboxes!! And that is what happened to the anti-gun bill in the senate. Unfortunately this is not what happened in NY!!
Photo: www.examiner,com |
Craig Ruttle/Associated Press |
Gun Powder |
These regulation build up to the point that it is impossible for any average American, or even a seasoned lawyer, to keep track of what they can and can't do and when they can do it, or shouldn't, for how long, how much they can do and with who, in what county, state, city or district, indoors or out, upside down or backwards?? When does it end? Do you mean to tell me we need to regulate the amount of bullets one buys or how much pop one can drink to convince people that killing is wrong and if I drink to much Choka-Cola I'll get fat? Are we as a people that stupid or inept? I believe our elected officials think so.
There are enough laws on the books to cover these acts of terror and violence. They have been on the books since before there were books. Some people call them common sense! Don't kill people! Don't eat fried food and hamburgers three times a day every day or you'll get fat!! Do I need regulations on top of regulations to tell me those things? "No" is the answer if you're wondering. I've said it before and I'll say it again...humans are the most adaptive species on earth. If you take away a tool to build a house they will make another more effective tool and build it better. The same goes for killing I'm afraid. The Boston Bombers meant to kill and they did. No laws or regulations were going to stop them. We need to take another approach. I will not pretend to know what that approach might be or how it will come about but it won't be regulated into use that much I know.
We need to start by enforcing the laws we have and being more vigilant as a society. Someone knew these two were up to no good and did nothing about it. Sometimes, though, there is simply nothing anyone can do. Some individuals bent on killing are going to do just that. Ideology or extremism, mental defect or emotional breakdown....some things just can't be addressed or addressed in time.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Big Oil and their BIG prices!!
Hello good citizens and patriots and hello to those who have viewed this blog from OCONUS. I appreciate the interest and please...feel free to comment and add to the discussion. I haven't blogged in a while and I apologize for my absence. It's been youth hockey tournament season and and with a few weekends off in a row, the little ones have my attention. Oil instead of guns this week. Guns are still a hot topic and as the debate grows, I will come back with more on one of my favorite pastimes.
There is a lot of stagnation on the forefront of gun legislation as the states and the federal government hash out their ideas for bills behind closed doors. As it stands now, anti-SAFE act momentum is growing in NY and it is my hope and anticipation that lawsuits in addition to reluctant and confused law enforcement agencies and county government opposition will strike down this anti-second amendment atrocity. We have had at least one arrest due to SAFE act violation in NY, a war vet no less. Today it was reported that the portion of the SAFE act regarding magazine capacity has been put on hold "indefinitely". In regard to the federal bill, Sen Reid has taken the Assault Weapons Ban portion off the table in the coming gun legislation due to overwhelming doubt that it will get through the house. See... he's not so stupid as he looks. More on that as it develops and I'll give my summary when the proverbial shit hits the fan....either for them or for us.
Now on to the sticky subject of Oil.....
Oil is responsible for many of our economic woes here in the US and also in many countries around the world. Especially those with Christian governments. One only needs to cross reference global oil prices with governments supportive of, or wholly run by, Islamic law. Google it. If you think the US has high fuel prices due only to high fuel consumption you're living in the dark. The individuals that make up OPEC and it's policy making entity do not subscribe to the time honored law of supply and demand. They are a monopoly. They do not care about the environment or the polar ice caps or the lonely stranded polar bears that are set adrift because of global warming. They are not our friends nor do they wish to be in the slightest and they are not the pure of heart. They are loyal only to money and in part Islam. Oil companies get the blame but OPEC sets the price world wide. The truth is the oil companies have nothing to do with the cost of oil and they couldn't lower it if they tried. They just so happen to be the experts in getting it out of the ground and turned into that stuff that makes your car go vroom. If you were the only mechanic in town would you fix everyone's car for free? No you wouldn't...but I digress.
Photo: yoursdp.org |
So back to those ships passing in the night. Why would we take the time to pull oil out of the ground and refine it into fuels only to load it on a ship and send it to another country...and at the same time pay another country to ship their crude oil to us? Would farmer Smith grow hay and ship it to the Johnson farm only to turn around and buy hay for his own cows, at a substantial price increase I might add, from the Stevens farm? No!! No he wouldn't ...and if you asked him to do that he would look at you funny and promptly tell you to vacate his premises. This is not good business practice. It screams of corruption and back room favors. If someone could convince me of it's wisdom either economic or even political I would greatly appreciate it.
Photo: inlandpolitics.com |
US Oil companies are not bound by any laws or common sense when it comes to who they sell the fuel to. It's a global market and they have the right to profit on it. I do not suggest or condone the idea of the government putting their grimy hands in the mix either. Common sense would dictate that if US based oil companies exhibited some patriotism and some solidarity and turned away the ships bringing crude oil form OPEC sources and relied on our own oil production we could solve a whole hell of a lot of our foreign policy headaches! We could set our own prices and I would venture to guess the oil companies would still make a ton of cash!
Pollution? Well I don't exactly subscribe to the man made global warming concept. I think it's a little presumptive to think we have that much of an influence on mother nature. I believe that the Earth goes through ups and downs all on it's own and we are merely along for the ride. I think we are just progressing OUT of the last ice age. When we progress INTO the next one will we take credit for that to? Will we say recycling worked ....hooray!!! The EPA saved us!!! We probably will say those things actually....
Photo: portaec.net |
The quicker we get out from under OPEC's thumb the better. Oil is still the answer for now and new technology and more efficient use of fossil fuels will help us in the interim as we evolve to a new power source. Total obsolescence of fossil fuel is still to far away at this point. We can achieve a lot if we become self sufficient, both in economic and political stability.
Side note:
Photo: NATO Review Magazine |
Photo: picturedepot.com |
Monday, January 21, 2013
Saved from ourselves!
Schoolhouse Rock Photo:www.zealby.com |
NY Senate Photo: www.cdcu.coop |
AMMO!! Photo:www.thetruthaboutguns.com |
Photo: Chicago Tribune |
What makes me laugh time and time again is the ineptitude and down right ignorance of those who believe guns are the anti-Christ and thus ban them into oblivion. Like heat shrouds being "a shoulder thingy" and sling swivels being mistaken for bayonet lugs, and my favorite...semi-auto mistaken for full auto. If you're going to strip people of their self defense, hobbies and in some cases their livelihoods at least become informed on the ins and outs of the industry...or at the very least some of the simple terms. Your argument will at least sound like it has merit. Better yet find a firearms instructor and get some hands on training...fire off a few rounds. Chances are you'll be a pro-gun pundit in no time.
Another thing I have not been able to get an answer on is provisions for peace and police officers. In the old days we could circumvent the bans and get all the cool stuff.....sorry civilians but membership has it's privileges. Magazine capacity, adjustable stocks, flash suppressors, bayonet lugs...all the the evil things about black rifles were in reach of those of us wearing a badge. I have not seen this issue addressed in this new law though I hear it will be.The fate of HR218 is also unknown in regards to the federal laws soon to be enacted. I believe military personnel should fall under the exemptions as well. Who else knows more about the safe handling and responsible use of firearms?
Attorney James Tresmond Photo: www.therightperspective.org |
Photo: www.tickergrail.blogspot.com |
Voters are more powerful than you think and sometimes our Constitutional Republic" actually works as it was intended. Despite how mine Fuehrer Cuomo and the Fourth Reich do business here in NY. It only does so if you stay informed and participate...you know damn well the left will show up. Use the links below and remember those names in November!!
James Tresmond: Law suit and petition info.
NY SAFE Vote tally as well as all info regarding the law itself:
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Who is representing us?
M-16 with M203 40mm grenade launcher. |
James Yeager Photo msn.com |
NRA President Wayne LaPierre Photo: Christian Gooden/AP |
My point is this.... time and time again I listen to the arguments put forth by the NRA or pro gun groups that are by far and in large a detriment to the fight to keep our second amendment rights. I want to see fire used on fire. Instead I see bombastic extremists yelling about killing people and civil war with that crazy look in their eyes. Find someone who has a marginal control of their temper, a good grasp of proper English would be nice and at least one degree. Someone who will actually help us not put us further back. These idiots are more likely to convert pro gun to anti-gun. If you yourself are going to engage in an argument in support of gun rights with someone who is either anti-gun or indifferent, please use common sense and common courtesy. Do not start yelling like an idiot or threaten to kill anyone!! Don't act like a child....listen if you can't argue, are unpersuasive or you know you're an idiot just avoid the argument all together. That in itself will be more help than hindrance.
I'd like to touch on a couple of topics, "the use of an executive order for gun confiscation" ...it's been mentioned and frankly that's scary as hell. I don't think it will be implemented to take guns away or to implement a gun grab. I just don't think the president will go that far. Executives orders can be over turned. The NRA is a very powerful lobby group that gets things done despite it's spokespeople. If a grab goes before congress it will not go far. The president knows that but I think he may use EO for smaller aspects of his gun control agenda. I honestly don't think a total ban is likely.
NY Gov Cuomo Photo http://dustinstockton.com |
He also makes mention that he doesn't think anyone hunts with an "assault rifle" nor do they need more than 10 rounds to do so. What he meant was no one hunts deer with an AR-15. Well I do and so do many many others who live in areas that allow the use of rifles in hunting deer. Deer hunting isn't the only game in town either Mr. Cuomo. We also use them for hunting woodchucks, coyote, squirrel, etc. I believe it's the premier hunting arm of feral pig hunters nation wide. But he knows what he's talking about, he has a Remington shotgun and has "hunted". As far as needing more than 10 rounds, DEC law says 5 anyway. Magazine capacity is a ridiculous argument, magazines regardless of capacity can be reloaded by hand in seconds.
The whole argument of hunting or not hunting is moot. The second amendment was meant to keep the citizens armed against, and thus protected from, a tyrannical government set to enslave them or strip them of their liberties. This can happen today and it has happened in the past and in other parts of the world where the people don't enjoy such constitutionally protected rights. Anti-gunners look at this as crazy talk, unnecessary and archaic speech from worlds gone by. This view should be instantly dispelled by watching CNN for twenty minutes.
I'm on the Left, Div CSM on the right. Photo USAPAO |
That's it for this week. Please leave a comment and tell your friends.
Above is a pic of a M16/M203 in what appears to be a school class room. That's my reserve center which is a converted little school. No disrespect to the citizens of Sandyhook was implied in this photo ..it's just a cool gun.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Those evil evil guns
Hello my I'm Snowhack and this is my forte into the blogosphere...Yes it will suck but it should get better as I lumber along. My name is obviously not Snowhack, it was my gamer tag from long ago and I stuck with it...a cross between loving winter and being a CO...or Hack as we affectionately call ourselves. I may decide to use my real name here some day but for security reasons I choose not to today. Please respect that. I am a 20 year veteran of the US Army and hold the rank of SFC/E-7, I'm a 12B48 Combat Engineer Instructor in the reserves. In the civilian world I am a NY State Correction Officer....12 years...and a member of my jail's CERT team. Don't ask what jail I work in, don't ask how many wars I fought in I won't respond.
Getting into it I'm going to link a YouTube video by a man named Sturmgewehre. He is seen as the narrator on the Military Arms Channel YouTube video series. Link: http://youtu.be/JDglpt8hpyg .
I've only just subscribed to this video series and I've only seen two of his videos as of typing this. The point lays in the content, though I'm sure he's a real hoot. In his video he discusses a proposed weapons ban to which we all know is coming in some shape or form. This is the latest info I have seen on the proposed ban that is to be spearheaded by noted anti-gun proponent, VP Joe Biden. He also narrates a video covering magazine capacity, (http://youtu.be/EXrAt7-ij2k) another common aspect of these bans. This somehow makes them more deadly or evil. Such deadly and menacing features like bayonet lugs, flash suppressors (compensators), pistol grips, adjustable stocks, heat shields and other evil death enablers.
Assault weapons bans are aimed at firearms that have some or all of the above mentioned features. The crux of these laws, to include the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban, is to ban guns with cosmetic features similar to military weapons. Law makers feel these are the factors behind the rash of deadly shootings in this country as of late. Nothing could be further from the truth. The killing aspect of any gun lays in two key factors...the bullet is the foremost item responsible for killing any living thing. I think in this we can all agree, so any device that launches a projectile at or near the speed of sound is going to cause death or serious protracted disfigurement regardless of weather there is a bayonet mounted on the weapon or the length of pull was modified without using hand tools.
Another misnomer regarding weapons is the difference between semi-auto, full auto and single shot shoot and cock weapons such as bolt actions and pump shotguns...and hell, we'll even briefly cover black powder. If you are a lawmaker or soccer mom about to speak your mind into a news camera PLEASE take notes!! Weapons that can fire more than one bullet without reloading or mechanically cocking the weapon after each bullet is fired are referred to as semi automatic, one bullet for every one trigger pull...simple. Full auto is when the trigger is pulled, and held to the rear, and the weapon will fire until the trigger is released or the magazine is empty. Shoot and cock is just that, fire one round then mechanically load another cartridge via lever, bolt, sliding fore-end or what have you. Black powder weapons have to be loaded after each round is fired with a measured black powder charge, wadding and a bullet. In the case of pistols there are single action and double action. This covers both revolvers and autos. Single action requires the shooter to cock the hammer for each shot or, in some autos, the chambering of the first round will do it automatically. Double action does not require cocking the hammer the trigger pull will do it for you. If you are not clear on any of this just ask I'll go into further detail.
It would seem to me that the word AUTO in semi-auto is the only word that the brain picks up if you make laws in this country or talk to news reporters! Semi-auto seems to register as a belt fed, zombie killing, lead spewing fire hose. The fact is most weapons are semi-auto, even revolvers technically, as long as they are double action. Full auto has been illegal since circa 1986, unless you have a FFL...(Federal Firearms License) a very special permit that is also very rare.
The second and final factor is the most important, it lays in the human being that is holding the weapon. Key to this is his intent, his state of mind and psychological or physiological well being. No weapon, not even UAV drones, have ever gone on a killing spree without that key second factor....the human being. The chemicals used in parkerization, the signature flat black paint that makes these weapons so evil looking, does not posses the shooter's soul or change his mind set. My AR-15, pictured above, is not clambering to get out of my gun safe and make me kill people. The monsters responsible for these unspeakable murders set out to kill and they didn't care how. They simply chose a tool that made it quicker...easier. These same people would have chose a different tool had the obvious one not been available. Tim McViegh did, so did 19 terrorist on 9/11. Doors can be locked and fires set, steal a cement truck and drive into a crowd, it doesn't matter if you take away these tools one by one they will just find another. One of the traits that sets humans apart from animals and makes them so great is their innate ability to adapt. To overcome obstacles and find a way to succeed. Unfortunately this god given trait can also be used for evil.
For those of you who want to chime in please do so, but please we are all adults and hopefully mature ones at that. I will not respond to name calling, character assassinations, or pointless bickering. Please submit valid points and use facts, do not post links or reference to un-proven stories of heroism or carnage. Lying undermines the argument on both sides and you can never get back your integrity at least not with me. If you mis-speak of get your facts mixed up please own up to and we'll move on...as will I.
For those of you, and I hope you are many, who take the argument to the lawmakers, I ask that you follow the same criteria stated above. I see, way to often, a good point or sound argument absolutely ruined by immaturity, name calling, and the use of false or exaggerated facts. Please exercise maturity, integrity and keep a level head. Thank you.
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